Every dollar counts! The Clark County Animal Shelter functions on a very small budget. Your donations are what make the difference. Donations enable us to make much needed repairs, fund improvement projects, provide enrichment activities for the animals in our care, provide funding to treat animals that come into our care in less than ideal condition and more. Our needs are always changing.
It’s easy to donate quickly and securely by clicking here or the “Donate Now” button at the bottom of our page.
Checks may also be mailed to :
- Clark County Animal Shelter
5000 Ironworks Road, Winchester, KY 40391.
If you are interested in helping with a specific need, feel free to designate that when making your donation.
Click HERE for our Amazon Wish List.
In addition to monetary support, the Clark County Animal Shelter is always in need of the following items:
- Dog Food (Purina One or Purina Dog Chow Preferred but all are appreciated)
- Puppy Food (Purina One or Purina Puppy Chow Preferred but all are appreciated)
- Cat Food (Purina One or Purina Cat Chow Preferred but all are appreciated)
- Kitten Food (Purina One or Purina Kitten Chow Preferred but all are appreciated)
- Dog Treats, no rawhide please
- Cat Treats
- Towels & Blankets
- Bleach
- White Kitchen Trash Bags
- 55 Gallon Heavy Duty Trash Bags
- Gallon or Sandwich Zip Lock Bags
- Busy Bones, Bully Sticks or Kongs
- Metal Dog Bowls
- Printer Paper
- —and more
Donations can be dropped off to the Clark County Animal Shelter at 5000 Ironworks Road, Winchester, KY 40391. You can also follow our Facebook page for the most up to date information on donation drives and additional drop off locations.